‘Paan’ Kattha popular known as Red Kattha is known by all and works as the main ingredient to give the desired red color and everlasting taste to ‘ Paan’. Ever imagined the component has outstanding medicinal values. The leaves, wood, and shoots are used to make medicine. We bring you the amazing features of White Kattha that will make you adore this therapeutic article almost.
Amazing features of White Kattha
First and foremost it helps to cure the deadly disease Malaria. Malaria is almost curable disease these days, yet we have remote areas in our country where the vaccines are not distributed exactly so the common man is dependent on home remedies or natural herbs.
White Kattha
For them, White Kattha brings excellent medicine at their home. Secondly, it gives immediate relief to painful and irritable Diarrhea and indigestion. It’s always seen in the cuisines serving White Kattha based products after heavy meals, to have healthy digestion. Furthermore, if you suffer even weighty cough, relying on Kattha as medicine is always reliable. It gives instantaneous relief from noisy cough and helps you to have sound sleep whole nights.
Modern generation believes in handy tablets for diseases. The thought of fetching Kattha, grinding and mashing are all tough to make. However, people are not far from the positive effects and do the work for it. Taking Kattha powder with honey is all needed to get relief instantly. Also, if you suffer chronic teeth problems like sensitivity or Pieria take on the spot relief. Besides this, if you get any wound or any hit, if you apply Kattha paste on it, will get the recovery and relax from pain.
Kattha is proved an incredible cure for many diseases, at the same time it’s beneficial for other physical problems like Leucorrhoea, ear problems, and Piles. However, the intake should be in a limited quantity because the unlimited use can create another type of problems. Also, the intake is prohibited for pregnant ladies. We deal with superior quality and clean supply. Do call us for your query and supply. Ask us for the stock, we are always available for full-time support.